Returning Student Verification
Returning Student Online Verification is required for Manor ISD students who are currently enrolled and will be completing the 2022-2023 school year in Manor ISD.
Skyward Family Access returning student online verification for all students returning to Manor ISD will open on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Parents will be able to complete the annually required student information forms online through the District's Family Access Portal by clicking here for Skyward Family Access.
After completing the online forms, any updated immunization records/documentation as well as proof of residence will need to be turned in to the campus in order to complete the registration process. Document submission will vary depending on student grade and updates made to the student's profile. *Note: you can upload any documentation you have prior to completing your returning student online verification. If you did not upload prior to submitting, then you can always email it to your campus registrar. A list of campus registrars can be found by clicking here. Please be sure to include your student's full legal name, student ID/lunch number and date of birth.
For any questions or concerns regarding returning student registration, please feel free to contact your child's campus.